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Friday 5 June 2015

Top 5 Food for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mommas!

It's funny how whenever I am walking downtown or around the neighborhood with my babies, strangers and especially the older folks (aunties and grannies and ah-gongs included) will come around and ask me, "Wow! What do you feed your baby ah?" "What brand of milk are you using?" "How come they are all so well-fed and look so chubby/strong?" bla bla bla... Seriously! I am not kidding you! They will joke with me that I am churning out a A*-grade baby! Not that I am being thick-skinned but I honestly thought that was quite amusing. Jokes aside, I thought about it and yes, both my babies are generally pretty big frame for their age. They are both at the 95-97% percentile of their age category. They are not fat FAT but they are really good-size cuddly babies. I guess other than genes, it also boils down what I ate when I was pregnant and when I was breastfeeding and so on. Thus, I have decided to come with my own Top 5 Food for expecting/nursing mommies out there. Many of my mommies girlfriends have been asking me questions on pregnancy diets so hey why not type it down on my blog and hopefully this will reach out to more like-minded mommies who want nothing but the best for their babies. I will also include a reading/cookbook tip for mommies who are experiencing pregnancy acid reflux at the end of this post so read on, I hope you find this useful. :)

My Personal Top 5 Food for Pregnant & Breastfeeding Mommas

1. Salmon/ Threadfin/ CodFish! 

Not only is Salmon super rich in high-quality protein but it is an excellent source of omega-3 fats, which are good for your baby's development. Fish like cod, threadfin and salmon has low levels of methylmercury, a compound that can be harmful to your baby's developing nervous system. Canned tunas etc are fine for your daily sandwiches/wraps, just take note not to eat more than 300 grams of it per week.

 I know this is crazy but I love my salmon! I had them almost everyday when I was pregnant! Just watch out on the portions. Have all food in moderation as the doctors will say.

I love my cod fish too!

This one is a threadfin and I usually steam it with some white sesame oil and grated ginger.

2. Wholegrains & Oats! 

Oh before you complain that carbs make you fat! Think about having good carbs to give you that burst of energy that you require not just for yourself but for your little one as well. Wholegrains in bread, oats and pasta etc are important in pregnancy because they are high in fiber and nutrients, including vitamin E, selenium and phytonutrients (protecting cell-plant compounds). Wholegrain quinoa, oatmeal breakfasts are so easy to make and are high in nutrients like protein, making it a superfood. Top it up with your favourite fruits and chia/flax seeds and you are good to go!

These are made using wholegrain pasta which I have prepared and tossed. That's a hearty bowl of seafood marinara spaghetti for you. Super delicious!

Did I mention that avocados are also excellent brain-food as well? Take a bite if you want your little ones to be smarties like you!

3. Dark leafy vegetables & Colorful fruits! 

Salads/greens and fruits are one of the healthiest food for anyone really. Just go easy on the soya sauce and salad dressings especially thousand island are a big no-no. Choose from a variety like broccoli (my personal favourite and my son's!) to spinach, kale, kai lan and many other green leafy vegetables. All are loaded with vitamins and nutrients like vitamins A, C and K and the all-important folate. They are your best bet if you want your little one's vision to be 6/6 and spectacle-free!

3. Eggs and Beans/Walnuts! 

Eggs are rich in choline, which promotes your baby's overall growth and brain health, while preventing neural tube defects. On top of 12 vitamins and minerals, eggs contain lots of quality protein, which is essential for pregnancy. No worries about eggs having high levels of cholesterol. In fact, eating fast food high in saturated fat will do more harm to your cholesterol levels than eating cholesterol found naturally in food. Eggs are wonderful, quick and versatile. 

Lentils, black beans, chickpeas, beans in general contain lots of fiber and protein of all the vegetables. Fiber is gonna be your new best friend when you are pregnant as your gastrointestinal tract will often slow down, putting you at risk for constipation. Fiber can help to prevent and relieve it. 

My to-go snacks are walnuts and almond nuts. They have one of the richest source of plant-based omegas-3s and I always use them as toppings on my salads and greens. And there you have it, my usual weekend brunch staples consisting of eggs, beans, fruits and greens.

Hummus (made with chickpeas) sprinkled with some paprika for snack time. Ah~bliss!

4. Lean Meat

Go for lean meat with fats that have been trimmed off. Lean meat like pork and chicken are excellent source of high-quality protein and in particular, beef stand out amongst them as they contain choline in addition to protein. I love mine grilled to perfection like these...

Or you may do a easy chicken tortilla wrap like these ones with mango for added zest!

Alternatively, you can whip up a red glutinous wine recipe 红槽酒 chicken like this one my mom made for me. It smells so fragrant and oh so yummy!

Try making an Asian dish of sliced beef mee sua noodles soup

5. Soups and Hot Milo/Beverages 

Home-cooked soups are your best bet for breastmilk production. From papaya fish soup, black chicken soup, winter-melon soup, fish maw and many others. On days when you do not have much appetite due to stress, try a bowl of soup, it heals not just your soul, it is super nutritious to boot!

After I had given birth, my jamu masseuse lady advised and encouraged me to drink up to 3 cups of milo a day when I started to breastfeed. Milo will apparently make the milk thicker as compared to drinking hot plain water. You basically need to drink up to have milk! Simple as that! 


* * * * *

And now for all of you who has been waiting to read the tip that I would like to share with you with regards to the type of food to consume when feeling nauseous and if you do experience a bout of acid reflux. That is to prepare your very own macrobiotic diet. Or better still, ask your hubby or even mom to help you cook it. The main ingredients are simple and mainly you can buy it from NTUC Finest and most Japanese grocers in Singapore over at Liang Court. 

So you may be wondering what is macrobiotics? It is a nature-friendly way of life based on a diet of whole grains, vegetables and beans, sounds super healthy right? People from all over the world, including top celebrities and Hollywood stars, have embraced macrobiotic diet because if its health benefits which includes having higher energy levels (which is really what you need when pregnant and running around with a little one in your arms!), beautiful skin (who doesn't want that glow to maintain even after you have popped?) and this great sense of connection with the universe. 

Personally, I experienced really bad, bad acid reflux only in the start of my second trimester. Everything started from having a bite of an green apple first thing in the morning on an empty stomach while hanging the laundry. I puked for at least five times that day, uncontrollably for close to five days until I could not take it anymore. Hubby got pretty worried if the little one will be able to absorb any nutrients from me since my body condition was so weak from all the puking. Thus, he did some research online and found out about macrobiotics. And the rest I say, is history!

I highly recommend that you purchase this book, by Mayumi Nishimura called "Mayumi's Kitchen" and try out her recipes yourself. Mayumi is hired as a personal chef by Madonna (just look at how fit and toned she still looks at her 50+ age and you wonder why!) and as well as Gwyneth Paltrow (hot Hollywood celebrity momma). The recipes in her book are all lavishly illustrated with well-taken photos with step-by-step pictures. She also discusses about nutritional value and energy quality which is perfect for beginners to start with. Don't hesitate, this may be your best cookbook investment to date. 

With that, I have come to the end of this post. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this food list as much as I did creating it. For nursing mommas out there, eat well for your baby, for they deserve the best. :)


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